17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition FICOBA (Basque Country)

17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition
FICOBA (Basque Country)

2,150 professionals attend the first Go Mobility show

The organisers have hailed the success of the first Go Mobility exhibition, which met the targets for both visitors and exhibitors. Go Mobility, Southern Europe’s first industrial exhibition on future sustainable mobility, has reached the end of its first edition, achieving all its targets. Attendance of both visitors and exhibitors met the organisers’ goals and […]

70 exhibitors at the first Go Mobility event

Go Mobility has practically concluded the marketing process for this first industry exhibition in Southern Europe on sustainable mobility for the future, aimed at professionals and companies working in the field of sustainable mobility and energy storage. 70 exhibitors have confirmed that they will be taking part in Go Mobility, so efforts are now focusing […]

Go Mobility enters the final marketing phase with 80% of the exhibition space sold

The exhibition will be held on 27 – 28 November at Ficoba (Irun) The Go Mobility sales figures, four months before the event, confirm the interest that has been generated by this first industry exhibition in Southern Europe on sustainable mobility for the future, aimed at professionals and companies working in the field of sustainable […]

Six months from the start of the Go Mobility show, 40% of the exhibition space has been sold

The marketing campaign for Go Mobility, Southern Europe’s first industrial exhibition on future sustainable mobility, geared to professionals and companies from the sustainable mobility and energy storage sector, is progressing at a good pace. Major sector companies and organisations such as CAF Group, Cegasa, Circutor, Cluster de Energía, Irizar Group, IK4 Ikerlan, IK4 Research Alliance, […]


EIT Urban Mobility

La Dra. Maria Tsavachidis es la directora general de EIT Urban Mobility, una comunidad europea de conocimiento e innovación para acelerar la transición hacia la movilidad urbana sostenible y los espacios urbanos habitables. Antes de incorporarse al Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en 2018, fue responsable de Innovación en Siemens durante más de 20 años, empresa en la que ocupó diferentes puestos. Comenzó su carrera como investigadora en el campo de los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y tiene un doctorado en ingeniería de tráfico por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich.